Yadaiah Damera
District HQRS hospital, India
Title: Practising KMC in a limited resource setting SNCU: study of 500 LBW babies in DH
Biography: Yadaiah Damera
AIM : To evaluate the safety, feasibility and efficacy of KANGAROO MOTHER CARE in VLBW babies.
Background:Inorder to reduce NMR. Govt of INDIA with the help of UNICEF is strengthening FBNC through setting up SNCU in all districts. The KMC ward at Nalgonda established on our own by overcoming barriers in terms of space, infrastructure, human resources & training.Ours is the first pilot study done on KMC at any district hospital in India.
Methods: All VLBW <1.5kg. Were put on KMC & analysed for the following parameters : - weight on admission & discharge, breast feeding compliance, sepsis incidence, co morbidities and weight on follow up
Results: Duration of NICU stay before KMC-9.8days ,Mean duration of KMC-14.3days ,Mean wt. at starting KMC-1.2KG ,Mean wt.at discharge -1.7KG ,Wt.gain/kg/day- 16gms,Mortality –Nil sepsis-nil,Breastfeeding at discharge 100%.
Conclusions: KMC should be implemented as a policy for care of LBW at all new born units.
Disclosure of Interest: None Declared